Best Blood Test in Navi Mumbai
What are blood tests?
Routine blood tests blood tests are one of the most crucial methods to monitor your overall physical health. Regular blood testing can help you monitor how your body changes over time and provide you with the information you need to make smart health decisions.
Why is it important?
Numerous indicators of your heart health may be found in your blood. For instance, having high amounts of "bad" cholesterol in your blood may indicate you are more likely to experience a heart attack. Additionally, additional elements in your blood can assist your doctor in figuring out whether you have heart failure or are in danger of developing plaques (fatty deposits) in your arteries (atherosclerosis).
Which are the blood tests for diagnosing heart conditions?
- Cholesterol test : The blood fats are measured by a cholesterol test, often known as a lipid profile. The measures can be used to calculate your risk of developing heart disease or having a stroke. This test measures total cholesterol, high -density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), triglycerides, and non-HDL cholesterol.
- CPR test: The body produces the protein C-reactive protein (CRP) in reaction to injury or illness, which results in swelling inside the body (inflammation). The CRP test can detect lower levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in your blood. Elevated CRP test results stipulate an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.
- Natriuretic peptides test: Your heart and blood vessels produce a protein called brain natriuretic peptide that aids in fluid excretion, blood vessel relaxation, and salt excretion into the urine. BNP levels in your blood rise when your heart suffers injury.
- Troponin test: Heart muscle contains a protein called troponin T. A high-sensitivity troponin T test for measuring troponin T aids medical professionals in heart attack diagnosis and risk assessment.